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Mental Fitness Fridays

Building Confidence: Lessons from DIY Home Improvement for Mental Fitness

May 03, 20241 min read

This is Mental Fitness Friday.

When we bought our first house I didn't know how much I would learn.

I tried doing things with the tools I had and on the cheap. I slowly learned the cost and the time estimated was THREE times more.  

I needed a better way. 

hans skulstad speaker

Some projects had no shortcuts: moving landscaping rock, cutting out dead bushes, and painting walls.  

One day, I went to the Home Depot and I asked Elmore for help - he had an orange apron on.  He figured me out. I'd ask him where things were. He'd say, “First, tell me what you're working on.”  It was GENIUS. He knew the tools I needed to get the job done and without killing myself. 

He along with my friend Jason, my father in law Marv,  and my friends helped me to know what I didn't know.  

The tools I owned grew as did my confidence.

If I hadn't accepted that I didn't know what I didn't know, I'd still have the same tools and way less confidence. 

Mental fitness requires us to do the same.

 Accepting that you don't know.  

Then, learn powerful tools to build confident systems. needed to consistently love your inner athlete and your game.

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